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Just like any game you're likely to play in, there are a set of rules here that I expect everyone to abide by. They're simple. They're standard. And I'll just go ahead and make it known that I have a zero-tolerance policy regarding these.
Note: These rules are subject to change or expand as required.

General Roleplay Rules
1. No god moding. Turn based fighting style, and again, to reiterate.. no god moding. Your characters will all have flaws and weaknesses, they can be exploited. No one is invulnerable.
2. Permission kills only.
3. Don't put your character in a stupid, and obviously fatal situation without expecting to be killed.
4. Sexual situations are bound to happen. However... I'd prefer not to have to read really graphic cyber sexings in the main. Take it to a side room kids.
5. Your character must be approved before play. Right now there's just one op, that's me. Bring me your bio pages and it's usually that simple.. unless you've done something really stupid.
6. I don't make exceptions for anyone. Just because I know one person better than I know another doesn't mean I'm going to let you have a really super amazing crazy strong character. Get over it.

Standard OOC Rules
1. No harassment.
2. No racial/sexual/religious slurs of any kind (IC these are okay... just don't make it excessive or you'll regret it).
3. Respect other players and don't pick fights OOC.
4. Keep OOC to a minimum in the main... it disrupts the flow of our RP and that is just unacceptable.
5. I don't make exceptions. See #6 in the above section.

Mostly.. I just want everyone to enjoy themselves. Dresden Files is by far one of my favorite series, and I've been wanting to make this game for a while. Here it is. Don't fuck it up for me, or you'll regret it.
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