Magic |
The Seven Laws of Magic |
Never Take a Life Magic is meant to be a force of creation, not destruction, and using it to kill an abomination. Whether you're using magic to make someone's heart explode, summoning up a flame to burn someone to death, or even killing someone and using the power created by their death, you are breaking the first Law. Never Transform Another Transforming a human into something else ends in the near-destruction of that person's self and is essentially murder in the eyes of the Council. Never Invade the Thoughts of Another A violation of the mind is as much a crime as a violation of the body. Never Enthrall Another Mastery of the mind is forbidden. Enthralling is any effort to bind another to your will by changing their natural inclinations, choices, and behaviors. Never Reach Beyond the Borders of Life Necromancy is strictly forbidden in all it's forms and uses. From bringing someone back from crossing the Threshold of Death, raising corpses, to waking ghosts, and more. Never Swim Against the Currents of Time No mucking about with the space-time continuum. The consequences of such actions, Council's justice aside, are worse than any man can imagine. Never Seek Knowledge or Power from beyond the Outer Gates The universe is a vast place, and within it is the world, the Nevernever, Heaven and Hell. The Outer Gates lie beyond our Universe, and the creatures within, dubbed Outsiders, we cannot understand. Even the research of trying to open the Outer Gates, or seek an Outsider, is forbidden. |
The Laws of Magic were laid down by the Wizards of the White Council, and are enforced by the Wardens. They are a guide for living for spell casters; however they serve a much more important purpose even than that. Magic comes from inside of you, and for a spell to work, you truly have to believe in your magic and what you are doing. When you break one of the Seven Laws of Magic, in a way that constitutes true Black Magic, it changes you. It changes your soul in a way which cannot be reversed. The White Council, believing this wholeheartedly, works to ensure that anyone who breaks their laws, does not live long afterwards.The Wardens of the council are not known for their flexibility in their Loyalty to the Laws, and they always have the authority to uphold the spirit of the law. The Laws of Magic do not apply to any entitiy that is not a person, that is.. anything that does not have a soul. They are strongly oriented on protecting the life and rights of mortals. While some Laws are less 'serious' than others, breaking any of them typically ends with the same results. A short trial, a gathering of the White council, and a beheading if they are found guilty of any infractions. There is rarely leniency, or mercy; though there are some grey-areas that can be exploited. The Doom of Damocles is the Council's way of leniency when someone has been caught in the act of breaking one of the Seven Laws. It is a sort of probationary period without a specified end-date, with a "Screw up once and you're dead" policy. It can only be granted through a vote of the Senior Council, and can only be removed by the same means. |
Uses of Magic In Roleplay |
I will make this brief and simple. This is a Dresden Files RPG, there are going to be a lot of magical creatures within the game. However, I can't let this 'power' go unchcked. So here are some rules for you to know and follow. 1. Breaking one of the Seven Laws of Magic will bring down consquences IC, which will be fun to play out. Trial, and execution/punishment if you are found guilty. 2. I cannot even begin to tell you the kind of power your character will need to perform big magic... like say.. making someone's heart explode without being in the same room as them. If you have a question regarding something your character can or can not do, ask me first. Otherwise I'll call you out in the main room.. and trust me I won't be sweet about it. 3. Read Read Read.. there's a lot of reading in this gameplay.. but mostly.. I want you to read the Types of Magic and Tools section so that you fully understand how magic works in this game. 4. Anything that uses magic can't easily cross a threshold without leaving a lot of their power at the door, unless they are invited in. 5. Play fair. |
The Unseelie Accords |
Information as it becomes available. |
The White Council of Wizards |
The White Council is the governing body of the wizard community. They protect humanity from abuses and crimes of magic, but also shield the world from the Sidhe and other creatures that wish humanity harm. It is primarily a political and democratic organization that unites Wizards worldwide. It is governed by the Senior council, comprised of seven of the most powerful, influential, and experienced wizards of the entire Council. The Wardens act as the police and military force of the White Council. Meetings are highly secretive, and guarded, and traditionally conducted in Latin. The Senior council arrives at it's decision based on a majority vote, however the Merlin has authority to cast a vote for any Senior council member who is not present at a meeting and has not designated a substitute. The Merlin is often considered to be the most powerful wizard in the world, however the politicking required to secure the seat of Merlin implies that he or she may have more than just raw power under their belt. The Senior Council can reserve specific matters to a Senior vote only, not involving the White Council as a Whole. Information about the Wardens of the White Council can be found here, at the Character Types page. The Blackstaff While the Wardens maintain and uphold the Laws laid down by the Council, there are times when certain situations call for someone able to act outside of those restrictions. The position of Blackstaff is given to one Council member only, a wizard with great power and control over his abilities and mind. He or She is given the freedom to break the Seven Laws of magic without penalty, to their discretion. This person is the White Council's covert assassin and counter agent. Employed only as a last-ditch solution to matters that the Council cannot otherwise get openly involved in. The existance of the Blackstaff, and his or her identity, is unknown to all but the Senior Council. |