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Roleplayer's Cheat Sheet
As I was putting information on the website, I realized... there's a lot of little bity tiny details that actually matter quite a bit to the gameplay, but that don't really fit in any of the categories of information, that or they're so buried it's not efficient to have to go through and re-read every bit of information on the site when you have a simple question, or aren't aware of a certain fact (.... wow what a run-on sentence). Anyway, I decided that it might be easier for those of you who aren't familiar with the series to give you..... yeap... a Cheat sheet. I hope it comes in handy.
~If you don't already know about the magical world, then you don't get to know, according to the White Council. That is.. most humans have no knowledge of the supernatural world really existing without being told by someone who has a link to that world.

~Magical beings cannot cross thresholds without being invited, at risk of leaving behind a lot of their power at the door. This is standard for vampires, demons, warlocks, wizards, and any magic using character.

~Magic and Technology do not mix ever, the higher the tech, the worse it shorts out. Most trained wizards can't even use payphones without interference.

~Names (I'll fill this in with the book description soon)

~Vampire Weaknesses
   ~Red Court: Sunlight, Symbols of Faith, cutting open their bellies. They have a narcotic venom in their saliva that is highly addictive and allows them to control their victims. It gives their prey a euphoric feeling, while numbing pain receptors in the brain. They are extremely fast, strong, and deceptive.
   ~White Court: True love, physical harm. House Raith are sexual predators, preferring to feed from lust and similar emotions. House Malvora feed from fear, driving their victims to situations involving potential death. House Skavis feed off depression, and often like their victims to commit suicide. Slightly above-average capabilities while not boosting their movements with stored emotional energy.
   ~Black Court: Garlic, Symbols of Faith, Sunlight, all the classics.
   ~Jade Court: Not applicable.

~Werewolf Weaknesses
   ~Loup-Garou: Inerhited silver only; anything else will only piss it off. Highly dangerous, impervious to harm, mindless, killing machines.
   ~Lycanthrope: Usual weapons; humans which harbor a spirit of rage, heal very fast. They are strong, fast, and ferocious.
   ~Werewolves: Usual weapons; Humans who can shapeshift to wolf form. Have all the capabilities of a normal wolf.
   ~Hexenwulf: Removal of their talisman, usual weapons; Humans who use black magic to shape shift into a large wolf form, have no inhibition or impulse control.

~White Council business
   ~Merlin is the leader of the congregation, beneath him are the other 6 members of the Senior council.
   ~The Wardens are the police and military branch of the White Council.
   ~Breaking any of the Seven Laws of Magic can, and usually does, result in death if found guilty by trial.

~Faeries and the Sidhe
   ~Faeries cannot tell a lie, but neither will they give straight responses to any statement asked of them.
   ~They cannot resist tempting humans into bargains or deals.
   ~They cannot stand any proximity to iron. Bringing it into the Nevernever is an exceptionally bad idea.
   ~The Sidhe are creatures of extreme power and magical ability.
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